Privacy Policy

When making an inquiry on this site, you may be asked to enter personal information such as your name and e-mail address.
The personal information obtained will be used to respond to your inquiry or to contact you by e-mail with necessary information, and will not be used for any purpose other than these.


We assume no responsibility for the information, services, etc. provided on sites linked to or from this site by banners, etc. We also assume no responsibility for the content or information on this site.

While we make every effort to provide as accurate information as possible, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or safety of the content and information on this site. Information may be out of date.

Please note that we are not responsible for any damages or other losses caused by the content of this site.


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This site is not intended to infringe on copyrights or portrait rights. If you have any problems regarding copyrights or portrait rights, please contact us using the Contact Us form. We will respond promptly.

Linking to Our Website

Basically, this site is link-free. No permission or notification is required to link to this site.

However, please refrain from using inline frames and direct links to images.