Art in Country of Tokyo 2024 (AICOT 2024)
アートインカントリーオブトウキョウ2024 (アイコット2024)

This exhibition is an examination of the present as a past event by assuming that we who live today are people of the future, viewing artworks installed underwater as ruins, and VR and AR as centuries-old technologies.

The exhibition will be held by the co-organizers and this organization in five countries: France, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Belgium.

An archaeological site is a place that retains traces of the past.

The theme of the festival is to contemplate environmental issues and problems facing humanity, starting from the question of how much imagination we, who live in the future after that time, can use to see the present as the past. 

September 21 (Sat) - October 20 (Sun), 2024
Open throughout the exhibition period
Available by Snorkeling or diving
Reservations required.
Off the coast of Nakanoura, Shikinejima

1000 yen + boat snorkeling or diving fee

*There will be a beach snorkel event on the afternoon of September 22 (Sun) and the morning of September 23 (Mon) for ages 12 and up.

Click here to make a reservation


By boat
  • Tokyo Takeshiba Terminal → (About 10 hours by large ship, about 3 hours by high speed boat) → Shikinejima

* Please check the following website for ship timetables, etc.

By Airplane
  • Tokyo Chofu Airfield → (Approximately 35 minutes by plane) → Niijima → (Approximately 15 minutes by ferry) → Shikinejima

* Please refer to the following website for flight and ferry timetables.


Offshore of Nakanoura Beach, Shikinejima Island

832-3, Shikinejima, Niijimamura, Tokyo

30 minutes on foot or 5 minutes by car from Nobushi Port

Shikinejima Port Passenger Waiting Room

993, Shikinejima, Niijimamura, Tokyo

27 minutes on foot or 7 minutes by car from Nobushi Port

Shikinejima Tourist Association

923, Shikinejima, Niijimamura, Tokyo

3 minutes on foot from Nobushi Port

Institut francais de Tokyo Espace Images

15 Ichigaya-Funakawara-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8415, Japan

7 minutes on foot from JR Iidabashi Station
7 minutes on foot from Tokyo Metro Iidabashi Station
7 minutes on foot from Toei Subway Ushigome-Kagurazaka Station

Chateau Koganei Basement

Chateau Koganei, 6-5-3 Honcho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-0004, Japan

5 minutes on foot from JR Musashi Koganei Station


6-12-9 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan

12 minutes on foot from JR Harajuku Station
8 minutes on foot from Tokyo Metro Meiji-jingumae Station

Gekkasha, Jimbocho

New Tokuei Building 1 & 2F, 3-5 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan

3 minutes on foot from Tokyo Metro / Toei Subway Jimbocho Station
3 minutes on foot from Tokyo Metro / Toei Subway Kudanshita Station


The word "country" originates from the Latin phrase "contrata terra," (meaning "the land lying opposite") and it is a word that represents both of nation and a region (or rural area). It depicts the diversity of Tokyo as both the capital city of Japan and a region concentrated with nature symbolic of Japan - its mountains, fields, and ocean.

Art in Country of Tokyo  (AICOT) Executive Committee/General Director: Sung Nam Han

Organized by
Art in Country of Tokyo (AICOT) Executive Committee

Co-organized by
Shikinejima Area Management, VIDEOFORMES (France), AAMP (Korea), Waley Art (Taiwan), Hothouse (Singapore), Transcultures (Belgium)

Supported by
Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Pépinières européennes de Création, Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI) 

Assisted by
Japan Undersea Art Museum, Interdisciplinary Art Festival Tokyo, Institut francais de Tokyo Espace Images, Taiwan Cultural Industry Association

Sponsored by
Shikinejima Guesthouse Hidabun(planned)

Under the auspices of (to be applied for)
Niijima Village, Niijima Village Board of Education, Shikinejima island Tourist Office, Niijima Village Chamber of Commerce, Tokai Kisen Co., Ltd., Shichito Credit Union, THE JAPAN-KOREA CULTURAL FOUNDATION, Embassy of Belgium, Ambassade de France au Japon / Institut français du Japon, Japan Taiwan Exchange Association